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J Korean Pain Research Society 2004; 14(1): 81-87

Published online September 4, 2004

Copyright © The Korean Association for the Study of Pain.

Analgesic Effects of Adenosine Subtype Agonists for Formalin-induced Pain in the Spinal Cord of Rat

쥐의 척수에서 포르말린 유발 통증에 대한 Adenosine 수용체 작동제의 진통효과

Myung Ha Yoon, M.D, Hong Buem Bae, M.D, Hun Chang Park, M.D, and Jeong Il Choi, M.D.


Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Medical School, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea

전남대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실

Correspondence to:Myung Ha Yoon


Background: Adenosine has shown the analgesia, which was mediated through spinal adenosine receptors. The presence of four subtypes of adenosine receptors like A1, A2A, A2B and A3 in the spinal cord has been demonstrated. The authors determined the role of spinal adenosine receptors for the nociceptive modulation by examination of effect of intrathecal adenosine subtype agonists for formalin-induced pain. Methods: Lumbar intrathecal catheterization was done with male Sprague-Dawley rats. Formalin- induced pain developed with injection of formalin solution (5%, 50μl) into the hindpaw of rats. Adenosine subtype agonists (A1, CPA; A2A, DPMA; A3, IB-MECA) were intrathecally given 10 min before the formalin injection. Afnd then, formalin-induced pain behavior (flinching response) was observed for 60 min. Results: Intrathecal CPA and IB-MECA produced a minimal or no effect during phase 1 response of the formalin test, respectively, but both agents reduced the phase 2 flinching response. Intrathecal DPMA suppressed both phase responses evoked by formalin injection. Conclusions: Spinal A1 and A2A receptors may play an important role in the modulation of the facilitated state as well as acute nociception and, while A3 receptor being relevant to the modulation of only the facilitated state.

KeywordsAdenosine, Adenosine receptor subtype, Formalin test, Intrathecal, Rat

The Korean Association for the Study of Pain

Vol.15 No.1
June 2024

pISSN 2233-4793
eISSN 2233-4807

Frequency: Semi-Annual

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